Clinical Medicine
Newsletter Clinical Medicine What is Clinical Medicine? Medical science and practice based on direct observation of patients. Clinical medicine is a form of science that places a greater emphasis on practice. It focuses on directly healing patients through diagnosis, treatment, surgery, prognosis, etc.Basic medicine, on the other hand, focuses on researching the laws of human life and disease phenomena in order to provide the necessary theoretical support for clinical practice as part of the efforts to cure patients. Clinical medicine is an art in that you must understand the process rather than memorize drug names by heart. To study clinical medicine, you must first ensure that you have a thorough understanding of basic medical science. Clinical medicine, on the other hand, is one of the most important aspects if you’re a student of medicine, nursing, or any other health-related course that involves human lives. Because you need to know why a patient is actually showing certain clinical signs and symptoms, as well as why you’re performing certain investigations and interventions. Clinical medicine is the common form of medicine, which represents the responsibilities of the general clinician towards patients. Briefly, clinical medicine is the study and practice of medicine based on direct observation of patients. Understanding a patient’s problems by a proper clinical history, examinations and investigations and the methods of treatments are very important to diagnose the disease. Therefore clinical medicine has an important role in diagnosing disease and treating the patient. Unlike other science fields that focus more on the theoretical and basics of medical science, in clinical medicine, medical practitioners assess patients in order to diagnose the disease, cure the patient, and prevent disease. Medical practitioners conduct a medical interview about a patient, called clinical history which includes the following: Chief complaint/Presenting complaint to identify the problem History of presenting complaint that explains the chief complaint. Here, Signs, symptoms, other associated problems, how they change over time, and all other clinical features of the patient are assessed in detail. Inquiry of other systems such as recent and abrupt changes in weight, fevers, sleep, etc. Past medical & surgical history, will be useful in the diagnosis and management of the patient. Family & Social history to see familial diseases, the habit of drinking alcohol, etc. Drug history to see ongoing medications and adverse effects due to drugs Allergies for foods, drugs, plasters, etc. Download Pathophysiology & Clinical Medicine Flashcards eBook Physical examination is carried out using common medical devices such as stethoscope, tongue depressor, thermometer, etc. to diagnose the disease and some relevant medical investigations may also be conducted, e.g. blood tests, biopsy, etc. to come a diagnosis. By using the clinical history from the patient, clinical examination findings and the data from investigation reports from laboratories, physician makes the diagnosis and prescribes medications (e.g. pharmacological drug treatments) accordingly. How to study Clinical Medicine? Clinical Medicine is one of the most challenging, yet extremely interesting, subjects in clinical training. Your clinical medicine knowledge will benefit you throughout your career, and it may even save someone’s life one day. We’ve outlined all of the most effective methods for studying clinical medicine so you can cut your study time in half, retain more information, and perform well on your exams and as a doctor. 1) Create a positive environment for learning. You can maximize your learning efficiency by creating a good learning environment. A productive outcome will result from a combination of effective time management, good reading and note-taking skills, illustration skills, developing effective test-taking strategies, and hard work. Identify all of the distractions in your environment that are interfering with your concentration. That is the key to achieving success. 2) Have a basic knowledge of clinical science. Remember! Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology aren’t just useful for exams; they’re also useful in everyday life. You don’t have to be a genius in Anatomy and Physiology, but you should know the basics to understand Clinical Medicine and what happens inside the body in diseases. So, if you’re going to study Myocardial Infarction clinical medicine this week, just brush up on your basic Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of Myocardial Infarction. So, when your professor discusses Myocardial Infarction in a lecture, you’ll easily understand how a blood clot blocks Coronary Arteries and causes complications in the specific area of the heart supplied by the artery. Download Pathophysiology & Clinical Medicine Flashcards eBook Sample of Pathophysiology Made Easy Flashcards eBook 3) Know the teaching style of your professor! Every professor has a distinct teaching style. Some professors may provide you with study notes prior to lectures so that you can get a general idea of what to expect. Some professors expect students to learn independently from textbooks and research. You can ask your seniors how they studied the subject if you have such professors. Some professors give you homework and assignments based on the theories that are mainly assessed in the exams. So you should focus more on such topics and related questions. 4) Collect resources to study There are numerous resources available to assist you in your academic endeavors. To maximize your studying effectiveness and reinforce the concepts in Clinical Medicine, you should use all of the resources and a combination of learning techniques. You can use your textbooks, class handouts, reading materials, and lab materials provided by your professor, as well as many online resources available to students. Textbooks: For your studies, always use standard textbooks. They provide you the extremely reliable resources. Because you can clear up any unanswered doubts or brush up on a chapter you’re unfamiliar with. Reading materials: You should always study your university’s reading materials and notes. Because they will give you chapter-by-chapter notes on what you need to know for your exams. Google: For any topic, Google is always our best friend. To make learning easier, you can look up mnemonics, diagrams, and word associations. However, always make sure you’re referring to reliable sources. Because not everything you find on the internet is 100% accurate. For high-quality
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